Graduates who have lived at Cromwell College speak of the great friendships that they made, many of which they have kept up over their lives.
The Cromwell College Students’ Association organizes a range of social activities to bring students together. In addition, the ICC social program facilitates across college social activities to bring people together from all Colleges.
Regular Cromwell official social events are: Mini Ball/At Home, Ball, and Cultural Event.
The Cromwell College social program operates responsibly. Cromwell does not advocate prohibition of alcohol for those of age, but nor does it condone immaturity or irresponsibility with alcohol. Significant work has been done collaboratively by successive student leadership teams and staff in this regard, and notwithstanding serious health issues, there is significant penalty up to exclusion from the College and referral to the Police for certain breaches of the Cromwell Alcohol and Drugs Policy.
There are a growing number of social events at Cromwell for people both under and over eighteen, for whom alcohol is not a major part of their lives. Cromwell treats the diversity of students with respect and acknowledges that not everyone enjoys the same social life. There are Social Convenors elected through the Students’ Association who work together with the All Age Events Representatives to blend the social program of the college. The overall aim is to have a wide range of activities that all students can participate in regardless of whether they wish to drink alcohol or not. On occasions where licensed events are held, those under 18 may not be able to attend, and a number over 18 may choose not to. On these nights, alternative events are generally arranged. The social program of the college is designed so that everyone should be able to relax with people with similar interests regularly.
Some advice! As you take the step from home to college, your ability to act responsibly and make sensible choices (without your parents or teachers watching) will be the key to your success or otherwise at this higher level. Almost all students at Cromwell are responsible with their independence, but a small minority struggle without the rules of home and school as motivators. You have worked very hard for 12 years at school to achieve university entry and your place at college.

Don’t undo all of that in 12 weeks, failing your courses, by acting irresponsibly with social activities either on or off campus.
Cromwell has a great social program with some excellent (drinking and non-drinking) events, but people who are looking to constantly party as their priority are not good fits at Cromwell and should look elsewhere.
Cromwell students are involved in whole college social events, as well as smaller scale corridor activities. There are corridor exchanges where groups go out for a meal, or arrange thematic activities within the college.
Cromwell is a close knit community and the social program both macro and micro is purposefully designed to further that cause.