Cromwell College celebrated the Semester One Academic Dinner, to acknowledge 2020’s outstanding Semester Two student results. Congratulations to our award winners who were presented with a certificate and inscribed book prize. Special mention goes to our Summa Cum Laude Award Winners (Straight Sevens) including, Naomi Gray, Nicola Grobler, Nicole Moore, Liam Newlands, Lucy Ochre, Emma Prewett, and Cecilia Ryan.
During dinner, the hard work of college tutors, our Senior Tutor Maxine Allwood, and the Academic Mentors (Ila Torrance, Roshni Shah, Emily Price, Maddy Francis, Naomi Gray, and Kate Steinert) were recognised.
Our guest speaker was Professor Kerrie Wilson, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Sustainability Strategy) at QUT. Her talk highlighted the importance, and urgency, of having a sustainability focus in all that we do.
Academic Dinner 2021
The guest speaker for the evening was Mr Marvin Fox, Senior Program Officer at UQ Ventures. Marvin spoke of his time working in China, Japan, and Sydney. Marvin champions the importance of enterprise skills growth and development. He built a career overseas using his background in International Business, then shifted his focus to marketing and advertising. Marvin is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
In addition to a number of members of the Cromwell Board, the UQ Vice-Chancellor and President, Professor Deborah Terry AO, UQ Provost, Professor Tim Dunne, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice President (Education) at QUT, Professor Robina Xavier also attended the evening. Over 70 students were recognized for their academic achievements.