A highlight each year is the Academic Dinner. It was held on Tuesday 20 August. For all of the great things that College life can bring, ‘academic excellence’ sits at the top, as ultimately students are here to get a good degree. The guest speaker for this year’s Academic Dinner was Professor Joanne Wright, Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic at the University of Queensland. Professor Wright gave an entertaining and intellectually engaging address where she spoke of the strategic vision of the University into the (not so distant) future regarding the changing landscape of academic teaching and learning. There are implications for Colleges to plan strategically to continue to model best practice against this changing tertiary landscape, and the Principal encouraged the students to continue engaging with him on that level. Cromwell College remains indebted to the many generous benefactors who donate awards and prizes to the students.
Cromwell students performed very well academically this past semester with the College Grade Point Average being 5.19. There were eight students who achieved the perfect score of 7 (GPA 7.0) for every course they studied and congratulations go to these students:
- Mr Tom Ennever Uralla (Arts)
- Mr Mitchell King Sunshine Coast (Science)
- Miss Michaela Marcus Stanthorpe (International Studies)
- Miss Nicole Tomsett Vancouver Canada (Environmental Management)
- Miss Rosanna O’Neill Tamworth (Pharmacy)
- Mr Roy McCutchan Rockhampton (Mathematics)
- Miss Megan Finlay Stanthorpe (Medical Laboratory Science)
- Miss Claire Zhang Adelaide (Speech Pathology)
In total, there were 118 grades of 7 awarded to Cromwell students with a further 285 grades of 6 awarded. 60 Cromwell students achieved a GPA greater than 6.0. Overall, these results speak volumes about the academic rigor and support programs offered at Cromwell, and equally about the level of effort and commitment from the students. What is more important than the statistics, is the fact that a growing majority of Cromwell students have worked to the best of their ability, and are learning as adults to balance the many variables in their life here at University and at College.