A highlight each year is the Academic Dinner. It was held on Tuesday 26 August. For all of the great things that College life can bring, ‘academic excellence’ sits at the top, as ultimately students are here to get a good degree. The guest speaker for this year’s Academic Dinner was to be Professor Monique Skidmore, Pro Vice Chancellor International; however she was unavailable at short notice. The Principal spoke at the Academic Dinner giving his comments about the changing tertiary landscape and it implications for colleges and specifically Cromwell. Cromwell College remains indebted to the many generous benefactors who donate awards and prizes to the students.
Cromwell students performed well academically this past semester with the College Grade Point Average being 5.09. There were six students who achieved the perfect score of 7 (GPA 7.0) for every course they studied and congratulations go to these students:
- Beth Dunbabin (Tasmania) – Arts
- Mitchell King (Sunshine Coast) – Science
- Roy McCutchan (Rockhampton) – Mathematics
- Claire Zhang (Adelaide) – Speech Pathology
- Joshua Sheehy (Sunshine Coast) – Science
- Jemimah Thompson (Proserpine) – Science / Arts
In total, there were 109 grades of 7 awarded to Cromwell students, with a further 244 grades of 6 awarded. The male GPA was 4.91 and the female GPA was 5.25. The awards and prizes presented at the Academic Dinner can be found here.